WI: Nazis kidnap the Pope

This sounds like the plot hook for an action movie or FPS.

I can't think of any good Catholicism one liners...
"Jesus may forgive all, so that's why he sent me in"

"Remember how I said I'd baptize you last?"
"I lied" drops him off a mountain into a river at the base.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace" *punch to a Nazi's face*
You are not worthy to feel my fists (kicks them in the face)
you ain't gonna be raising up once I've finished with you
This is my crusade. (puts on sun glasses)
After electing a new Pope they also declare the Nazis "Vile and Unholy" authorizing Vatican Section XIII to target them :D .
Borrowing one from Bioshock Infinite:

"The LORD forgives everything, but we are merely His emissaries, so we don't have to." *opens fire*
I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet:

"And shepherds we shall be,
for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand.
That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,
and teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In nomine Patri.
Et Filii.
Spiritus Sancti."
I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet:

"And shepherds we shall be,
for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand.
That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,
and teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In nomine Patri.
Et Filii.
Spiritus Sancti."

That's because it's an actual line from a movie, rather than an action movie one liner that's been altered to become Catholic.


Somehow, I think a B-29 with the nickname

Somehow, I think a B-29 with the nickname Fiat Lux may find itself over Berlin some morning in 1945...

In the remote chance the Germans are insane enough to do something like this in 1943-44, and the Vatican-in-Exile sets up shop somewhere (upstate New York would certainly make things simple) and the Cardinals elect a new pope, does the Church Militant make a comeback? Can circa-1944 RC declare war, or join the Allies as a co-belligerent?

If so, do they ask for L-L? Where can they recruit the 1940-equivalent of the Papal Zouaves from?

Obviously, the U.S., UK, and France are already in the middle of full mobilization, but there is something of a method of my madness in terms of having the V-I-E set up in Rome, New York ... Canada, although conscripting for home service, did not require conscripts to serve overseas, which meant that for the population, the available manpower pool was split, between volunteers for overseas service and conscripts for home service.

However, given the Nineteenth Century precedent, once can imagine some percentage of Canadian Catholics who were not willing to go overseas might feel otherwise, especially if there was a Francophone force ready to recruit them...

French Canadians could also provide the cadre for an officer corps, as well...opening up recruiting in Latin American nations that either were still neutral or even if belligerents, had minimal overseas deployments, could bring men in from Mexico to Argentina and Chile...even a few Francophones from Haiti.

Europeans from neutral nations with a strong Catholic tradition but that were open to recruiting for the Papal Forces (Ireland and Portugal being the most obvious) as well as European neutrals resident in the Western Hemisphere (the Swiss sort of obviously suggest themselves) give you a few more.

If the Germans declare war on the Church, essentially, in the autumn of 1943, figure a few months for the Vatican-in-exile to be up and running in Rome and by the winter of 1943-44, the 1st Papal Division is being raised at Fort Drum, using US doctrine and equipment, and with a US training cadre...can the new Pope raise 28,000 physically fit volunteers from the sources above?

Personnel needs are for a US TO&E infantry division of ~14,000 men, plus 100 percent fillers in the replacement pool...maybe the headquarters and division troops are French Canadian, and the three RCTs include one French, one Spanish-Portuguese, and one English speaking units?

If priorities are set so as to expedite mobilization and training, one could expect one RCT by the middle of 1944, and the entire division by the end of the year...

Be a good fit for the 5th Army, obviously.


God doesn't need the Seven Plagues to deal with you. He has me.

In God all things are possible..except for you leaving here alive.

I'd like you to meet my friends: Matthew (punches with right fist), Mark (punches with left fist), Luke (kicks with right foot), and John (kicks with left foot).

Your reward for kidnapping the Pope is 30 Pieces of Lead.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Shotgun Amen.

You went out of the frying pan and into the Friar.
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Nick P

On His Holiness' Most Secret Service

"The name's More, Thomas More."

"Now listen to me carefully Double-Oh-Heaven. This may look like an ordinary set of rosary beads but the centre is a steel cable ideal for garrotting the enemy. This simple wooden crucifix necklace actually conceals an explosive capable of opening a safe, just press the ends like so to arm it.
And finally your Biretta, the traditional Italian priests hat. Of course the edge is razor sharp and when thrown will remove a mans head from 40 paces."

"Don't play with those Antioch hand grenades, they have a short fuse."

"You weren't expecting me! My name is Ximinez and you have made a cardinal error!"

"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger..."

(Our hero drowns a Nazi in a font of Holy Water) "May the Lord bless you truly..."

(Shoves a large crucifix onto a Nazi) "You guys make me cross"

"Good evening Mr More, we've been expecting you. Pray, do be seated upon the comfy chair...."

"Well Sister Martha, I hope my rod will comfort you." (cue theme music!)​
Thomas More will return in
The Man with the Golden Cross
The Pope Who Loved Me
From Mecca With Love
The Vatican Is Not Enough
For Thine Eyes Only
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Nick P

1943: the Nazis have kidnapped the Pope. To rescue the Vicar of Rome the Vatican picked a select team of holy warriors, monks and priests on the edge of excommunication. Given one last chance for holy redemption this gang of religious renegades trained as commandos for Christ. They were.....
The Deity Dozen!

Trapped in Nazi Germany, easily recognisable, escape seems impossible. But aided by the brave women of the Holy Order of St Katerina there is a slim chance. Disguised as women, hiding in plain view in the choir, performing in front of Hitler and his generals, His Holiness will put on the greatest ever...
Sister Act!

Surrounded by infiltrators and spies, with a Million Mark price on his head, the Bishop of Rome must get away from Germany. He can only rely on two former monks to put their resistance group back together. Seeking truth, love and musical salvation in the shadows of Berlin jazz clubs, they were on a mission for God...
The Blues Brothers!

Late 1944, worn out by war, shattered by shellfire, His Holiness is trapped behind enemy lines as the Allies advance from the beaches of Normandy. Alerted by the French Resistance the Holy See orders a last chance mission. Brave men from the Chaplain Corps paradrop into occupied France to find and save Pope Pius. Following their holy orders these men were truly a...
Band of Brothers
You...you...might just have gotten Ireland to willing join the war...:eek:

I remember reading about those German plans and I just kept wondering what the planners were smoking as the there was a high probability of getting the Pope killed and setting off a bomb within its own territories. You'll drag in the remaining Catholic neutrals and piss off a chunk of your own loyal population....why?

This is a good point. The reaction of Spain and Portugal would also be interesting - it might be just enough for them to formally declare war when the tide is turning.

EDIT: I also expect this will embolden the Wehrmacht/Goerdeler anti-Nazi conspiracy, many of its members were Catholic.
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This is a good point. The reaction of Spain and Portugal would also be interesting - it might be just enough for them to formally declare war when the tide is turning.

EDIT: I also expect this will embolden the Wehrmacht/Goerdeler anti-Nazi conspiracy, many of its members were Catholic.

Ιf the Pope is kidnapped in 1943 could this have triggered an early attempt to assassinate Hitler?
Μy name is Pope... Pius XII Pope...

I d like a Holy Communion. Shaken not stirred.
Actually they are less MI5, than:
