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  • Petr K.

    Petr K.

  • Dear Mr NoMommsen,
    I managed to finish my story. Unfortunately I don´t speak English so I can´t post it on this forum. Never mind, I just wanted to share my success with you and say one more thanks to you for your time and all the advice you gave me. The story in my language is here…(
    Petr K.
  • Petr K.

    Petr K.

  • Thank you very much in advance for your time and response,

    Yours sincerely,

    Petr K.
    Werner Fürbringer
    successful sub commander by numbers, though not tons ('worked' only subs in coastal waters). Postwar important in the secret rebuilding of the sub-weapon
    Walther Forstmann
    with a 'count' of 146 overall and noatbly 5 in 2 days within the Straits of Gibraltar
  • Petr K.

    Petr K.

  • May I also ask you for a recommendation of another personality from the submarine fleet of the Great War? I am looking for someone who could have been more influential in case Kriegsmarine was commanded by a former submarine captain. I can only think of Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière (though he did not hold a key position in the navy). Is there anyone else?
    But ... there are IMHO 'better' suited candidates for heading the submarines division than Marschall with ... brighter names in the world of subwarfare like :
    Otto Steinbrinck
    most successfull 'Fanderns' submarines commander, interwar showed some 'hack' on administrative and economical issues
  • Petr K.

    Petr K.

  • Dear Mr NoMommsen,

    Please allow me to ask you for one more piece of advice. Assuming that Alfred Saalwächter is the commander of Kriegsmarine – how likely is the fact that Marschall is in charge of the submarine fleet at the expense of Dönitz? Would it be feasible?
    Sry for answering rather late, but ... you know ... REAL life ... However, IMHO Marschall might be in the position you mentioned but ... somewhat 'colorless' for the submarines division while Dönitz still ahd the 'charme' of utter education in whatever weapon-systems as well as very favorable reviews of all of his superiors in whatever position he was.
  • Petr K.

    Petr K.

  • Thank you for your advice, it was really helpful. As a successor I've chosen Iwan Oldekop (1928-1932) and Alfred Saalwächter (1932-1939), if it's at least a bit real.
    HiHo :)
    Probably a good choice. Not too much I know of Oldekoop only that he was rather 'activly' blackmailing against Adm.Michaelis for a successor of Trotha in 1920.
    Why rerplacing him with Saalwächter already after 4 years ?

    Kind regards
  • Petr K.

    Petr K.

  • Dear Mr NoMommsen,

    I would like to ask for a piece of advice and use your knowledge of Reichsmarine. It would be very helpful for me to know the names of potential successors to admiral Hans Zenker after he was forced to resign in the year 1928. In case Erich Raeder is dead at that time. I would be very grateful for your time and your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Yours sincerely,

    Petr K.
    But ... if you don't mind I would like to make a more elaborate statement on the forum, using your question as an intro.
    IMHO it IS (or should be ;-))quite a topic of interest.

    Kind regards

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