Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

The reddit post mentioned that Paul voted against an LGBTQ rights act, similar to Goldwater and the civil rights act. My guess is that Paul won in the Midwest because of a large swath of religious voters there.
Yes, and in the redux, I added some lore that Paul voted against the Pan-American Free Trade Act, breaking with his free trader history, but massively boosting his popularity in the Midwest, tanking his popularity elsewhere.

Fun series! Ron Paul Midwest sweep is crazy. I think a more comparable region to Goldwater in the south would be the mountain west. Those are Ron Paul's people.
And to add on to this, I remade the whole thing to be a bit more wacky, and I specifically wanted to be make the Midwest to be the Deep South analogue, as much as that doesn't line up 100%.