
  1. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Napoleon Crowns Himself Holy Roman Emperor

    Napoleon as he took over France, began to consolidate the state and its instructions around himself being a monarch in all but name as "First Consul." Napoleon by the Early 19th Century became much more of a moderate Conservative and drifted towards monarchism as a means to preserve the ideals...
  2. PC: Austria gets Silesia at Tilsit?

    Like it says on the tin. Was there any way the Austrian Empire could've gotten its hands on Silesia as a result of the Treaty of Tilsit? Perhaps if the War of the Fourth Coalition was an even tougher victory for Napoleon than IOTL (the French armies were exhausted and far from home), and so he...
  3. I need help figuring out my newest Napoleon Victory TL (Map included

    This time, unlike my last TL, I want to avoid France's dramatic population lag and confirm them as the #1 Power, more effectively neutering the UK and Russia. The lore this time is simple. I want to prevent Napoleon's four greatest mistakes. 1. Not Dismantling Prussia. 2. The Continental...
  4. A clear Russian victory at Eylau?

    Fought on February 7-8 1807, the Battle of Eylau was a bloody, indecisive slog that, despite ending with a Russian retreat from the field, left the French so exhausted they were in no shape to pursue them. The War of the Fourth Coalition only ended in June that year, with the Battle of...
  5. A Stroke Separated the Swedish and Schleswig Successions?

    After the 1809 revolution in Sweden, the new king was childless and an adoptive heir was sought. The consensus candidate, Charles August of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg_Augustenburg, ultimately died of a stroke when he fell from his horse. After this, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, one of the more...
  6. Napoleon takes Acre? What if the French got lucky - suppose they breach the outer wall early in the siege, before the defenders have time to build a second one - and took Acre in 1799? While the fate of his campaign was sealed the moment the fleet was destroyed at...
  7. An Austrian victory at Wagram?

    The decisive engagement of the War of the Fifth Coalition, the Battle of Wagram came on the heels of the French defeat at Aspern-Essling and ended with a decisive yet bloody victory for them. The Austrian army's numerical disadvantage was worsened by the fact the reinforcements (around 13.000...
  8. What if Napoleon had a son by Joséphine?

    Napoleon's first wife was a woman known to posterity as Joséphine Bonaparte or Joséphine de Beauharnais. When he had himself crowned Emperor of the French in 1804, she became his empress. However, because they never had children, Napoleon had their marriage annulled and married Marie Louise of...
  9. Napoleonic Wars With No French Demographic Decline? Many people believe that the French demographic decline started after the French Revolution, when in fact it started as early as the 1730s. The cause of this is theorised to be early secularisation, but why this early...
  10. GameBawesome

    WI: Napoleonic "Atlantic Wall"

    So, this is a far fetch idea, but bear with me here. During WWII, between 1942 to 1944, Adolf Hitler ordered the construction of an extensive system of coastal defenses and fortification on the coastal areas of Nazi-Occupied Europe. It was built as a way to deter Allied invasion (Mainly British...
  11. Godot

    The World of Tricolors and Traditions: Human History Without Napoleon
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Bridge Over Troubled Water

    "The principal weapon of the Corsicans was their courage. This courage was so great that in one of these battles, near a river named Golo, they made a rampart of their dead in order to have the time to reload behind them before making a necessary retreat; their wounded were mixed among the dead...
  12. WI No Napoleon - Better/Worse outcome for France

    What is the impact of a no Napoleon situation for France?
  13. Napoleonic free trade bloc

    WI instead of imposing a Continental system and banning trade with Britain, Napoleon forces all of France + his client states to remove all tariffs and encourage internal trade relative to trade with Britain? This would be less disruptive and cause less resentment. Russia, Austria, Prussia...
  14. Aluma

    The Potential of the First "Napoleon Bonaparte" - Material for TL Planning

    Hello everyone So this is something I've been thinking for a while and while I'm not planning on making that into a timeline(for now anyways) Im rather curious about what one could do with it So Im creating this thread both for future me and/or for someone else who may want to understake the...
  15. WI: If it doesn't rain the night before Waterloo

    Does Napoleon win? How long does he win for, afaik he's still greatly outnumbered and it's not like a defeat at Waterloo would just have the coalition go "Oh well he beat us, so I guess he can be emperor of France"
  16. WI: Napoleonic Space Race

    First to set up the players. French Empire- After a more successful OTL campaign Napoleon I rules victoriously over Europe in 1814. The empire transitions into a constitutional monarchy around the mid-19th century and maintains a decent hold over western and central Europe up to the the 1950's...
  17. AHC:Napoleon conquers the world

    your challenge is to have Napoleon conquer the whole world directly or indirectly
  18. Disraeli2004

    The Fallen Eagle: What if Napoleon was assassinated in 1800?
    Threadmarks: Preface: The Assassination of the Third of Nivose

    The Fallen Eagle: What if Napoleon was Assassinated in 1800? "Whoever sets himself up as a judge of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods."- Edmund Burke, 1794. Preface: 24th December 1800, or 3rd Nivôse, Year 9. The general had reason to feel relieved, perhaps even...
  19. WI A Napoleonic Franco-Italian Empire

    Let's say in 1808, instead of handing Naples to Murat, Napoleon merges it with the existing Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy and incorporates the French departments in Italy that they directly control into this larger Kingdom that now contains all of Italy. Also assume he dies before he carries out...
  20. Plausibility check: Napoleon scrapes out a victory in 1814?

    The Six Days' Campaign was Napoleon's last display of the brilliance that marked the first years of his military career. Hopelessly outnumbered and leading an army made up of conscripts who barely knew how to use their muskets, he scored four back-to-back victories against the Army of Silesia, a...