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  1. All the President's Men

    Lincoln assuming direct command is a recipe for disaster. He's a politician and a lawyer with no actual military experiance, his generals wont repect him as a military figure and will likely resent him forcing himself into an Army Command above them - I'm surprised there was no negative...
  2. Un Dios, Un Imperio, Un Rey | Alternate TL.

    Ok. I dont really get why some names are changed while some stay the same, but that's probably my fault for not reading the whole thing.
  3. Un Dios, Un Imperio, Un Rey | Alternate TL.

    A slight correction required there. His name was George Brinton McClellan, not Benjamin.
  4. AHC: Union and CSA generals for war in 1885

    I admit I was going on the idea that the CS Army would be similar to the pre-War US army where they have sort Cavalry and Infantry units scattered around different states rather than consolidated as whole armies, but it might, perhaps, be a bit more difficult to do that in the Confederacy as...
  5. AHC: Union and CSA generals for war in 1885

    I would imagine the Confederate Army would be greatly reduced in size during peacetime and they might not even be in the army when war breaks out, or they might be in teaching role in the new Confederare Military Academy - since Southern boys could no longer attend West Point - or maybe they...
  6. AHC: Union and CSA generals for war in 1885

    I think at the outset of this 1885 war there is little reason to believe anyone other than Joseph E. Johnston would be General-in-Chief of the Confederate Army. He would have been 78 years old in that year and, by that point, one of only two surviving members of the original Five Full Generals...
  7. WI: Johnston keeps his Eastern command, Lee commands in the West

    Well, according to Craig Symonds, he wanted to continue the battle the next day, but there's little hope, I think, of much success at Seven Pines after the botched attack of the first day considering Sumner had managed to bring troops in support of Keyes and Hintzelman was nearby. I expect...
  8. WI: Johnston keeps his Eastern command, Lee commands in the West

    They did. The whole reason Lee got command in OTL was because Johnston was seriously wounded while directing an attack against the Federals at Seven Pines.
  9. Devers crosses the rhine in 44

    Some would argue Eisenhower caused the dispersal of forced into indecisive action. As you note, his critics would say that it was a consequence of his Broad Front strategy, and it's certainly true that the Allied offensive ground to a halt in the Autumn of 1944 and no one Army Group was strong...
  10. ACW - CSA controlling parts of Kentucky for most of the war

    Too much of Kentuckian sympathy was with the North for the Confederacy to control the state for any reasonable amount of time. The reason Bragg withdrew to Tennessee after Perryville was because local support for the Confederacy within the state had been lukewarm and he wasn't getting the...
  11. Brooke or Mashall as supreme commanders instead of Eisenhower

    The fact that the German offensive had already failed and been stopped by the individual actions of the units of the 1st US Army just goes to show how Bradley caused his own worst day by doing nothing to take direct control. Eisenhower suggested Bradley move his headquarters to be closer to...
  12. Brooke or Mashall as supreme commanders instead of Eisenhower

    That's not true. The reason Montgomery was given command of the northern part of the Battle of the Bulge was because Bradley didn't take control of the situation himself. If Bradley had shown any intent of getting to grips with the situation then Eisenhower would never have taken the 1st and...
  13. Brooke or Mashall as supreme commanders instead of Eisenhower

    Bradley's complaint about taking the 1st US Army away from him was entirely unreasonable. He had lost control of the battle, was completely isolated from events in the northern sector and was insisting he could sort it out by telephone. Eisenhower was entirely correct to transfer command from...
  14. Ranking the greatest generals in the American Civil War

    It has always been my view that a General should be judged in relation to other Generals of the same rank, because the higher up the chain of command the more responsibilities a General has and the more difficult his job. For instance, Patrick Cleburne today is regarded as one of the best...
  15. Brooke or Mashall as supreme commanders instead of Eisenhower

    That was largely because he didn't have to deal with MacArthur personally. If he'd spent a while working alongside him then Alanbrooke's high opinion of MacArthur would not have lasted long.
  16. Thank you

    Thank you
  17. The confederate hold on to New Orleans

    Years ago I wanted to make a scenario where George McClellan joined the Confederacy and I ended up putting him in charge in New Orleans because I came up with nickname I liked - you can see the thread here...
  18. Made a Nation: America and the World after an alt-Trent Affair

    For one thing, Joseph E. Johnston was a notorious bullet magnet - Winfield Scott said of him that he was "a great soldier, but he has an unfortunate knack of getting himself shot in nearly every engagement" - so it would be easy to remove him from command in any timeline by just having him get...
  19. Early confederate victory’s out west 1862

    Kentucky was going to declare for the Union sooner rather than later, and Grant was going to move into Kentucky regardless of whether the Confederates did it first or not, so Polk's invasion not happening has little impact in the long run. The Confederates could potentially repell an attack on...
  20. Instead of going to war, the south legally sues the united states for their right to secede

    Well, it would mean recognizing the legal authority of the Supreme Court of the Unite States of America, which, having already seceded, the Southern States no longer did. If there was an international court who's authority was recognized by multiple nations then the opportunity for a legal...